Good Morning! Its only 3 below and with the wind it feels like 15 below! Believe it or not, you get used to it! I can feel the eye rolling, especially from my friends in the south! Matt, Ken, Brian, Cole, Steven, Bryan, Mike, Ed, Stover, Mark Z, Shane, Scott Y..and even Mr Jones! Its cold, real cold, not this 35 degree bologna.
I had a great meeting with a customer whom I rebuilt a relationship with. You know the type of meetings? I could feel the excitement and the anticipation in the owners voice and we discussed a plan to promote our product line. It made the day! It didn't seem so cold after that call and even though plenty of work is ahead of me, and it will be enjoyable work as the future of this business relationship has no ceiling!
I took a quick pic of the company truck and the MTT I'm pulling in a park with the capitol of South Dakota in the background,
Off to a series of calls today as I work my way to Brookings SD. Happy Selling Everyone!